危險的鑰匙圈 Dangerous keyrings

危險的鑰匙圈 Dangerous keyrings
Please be careful…..
There is a syndicate of criminals presenting themselves as sales promoters who are giving free key-rings holders at gas stations or parking lots.
The key ring has a tracking device chip which allows them to follow you.
Please, please don't accept them. They select their seemingly well-to-do potential victims and if you accept, then you will be in for their tricks.
The key holders are very beautiful hard to resist accepting, but remember you may end up paying more than the key holder, including the risk to your life. Please advice your family members, email c! ontacts, and friends as well.

  •   happy angel 於 2013-02-04 18:32 1F
  • 壞人的腦筋還真是厲害~怎不用在正途??

  • 版主於 2013-02-09 00:01 回覆